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Tag search results for: "dsa course"
1. Introduction: The Age of Real-time Interaction In today's digital era, users demand immediate responses, seamless interactions, and dynamic content updates. Whether it's live-chat applications, stock trading platforms, or real-time gaming, creating scalable real-time applications is now an essential skill for full-stack developers. Let's delve into the intricacies of building these applications. 2. The Foundation: Understanding WebSockets Traditional HTTP requests work on a request-response model, which isn't suitable ... more
What is Heap in Data Structure?A heap is a binary tree structure wherein every member complies with a specific heap property. Every level of a complete binary tree is full save the last level, meaning that every node in every level but the last level will have two children. From the left, the final level will be filled. Each node in the heap is stored with a value key that indicates its position in relation to other nodes.Types of Heap Data Structure Max-Heap: In a Max-Heap, the root node's key must rank highest among its children's... more